5 Mistakes That Sink 90% of Digital Products Failure

5 Mistakes That Sink 90% of Digital Products Failure

Did you know that as many as 90% of digital products that reach the open market fail within just five years? This statistic is a wake-up call for entrepreneurs and product developers alike. In this blog post, we will explore the top five mistakes that can lead to the downfall of digital products and how to avoid them.

Reasons Why Digital Products Fail

When creating products, we often make a hypothesis based on our observations or personal experiences. Almost half of all startups fail because no one needs their solution—the problem doesn't exist, it's not a priority to address in the company, or the cost of solving it is not proportional to the scale of the problem.

1. Ignoring Market Needs

why new digital products can failed

One of the most common reasons for product failure is the lack of a genuine need in the market. Many startups create products based on personal experiences or assumptions, only to find out that the problem they aimed to solve doesn't exist or isn't a priority for potential customers.

To avoid this pitfall, it's crucial to:

  • Define your target audience: Understand who you want to help and how.

  • Conduct market research: Engage with potential customers to validate your idea and assess their willingness to adopt your solution.

  • Estimate benefits: Calculate the potential financial and operational benefits your product could bring to clients.

  • Build a list of the first companies ready to implement your solution: This is often the stage where we learn about additional conditions we must meet for the implementation to be possible. When customers give you feedback, it's essential that you carefully implement it to ensure that the solution doesn't only solve the specific problems of one organization but also helps other companies.

In summary, acquire the first beta testers willing to use your solution. In most cases, this stage is possible and should happen before any software development. It should also simultaneously confirm your initial hypothesis. As a result, you will find out that it's not only you who thinks the solution is needed in the market.

2. Assembling the Wrong Team

The composition of your team can significantly impact your product's success

A team with previous successes has a 30% higher chance of another success compared to those doing it for the first time. But it's not just about experience—the right team composition is also important. .A common mistake is to gather a team with similar skills and backgrounds, which can lead to a lack of diverse perspectives. 

To build a successful team:

  • Ensure diversity: Include members with different skills, experiences, and viewpoints.

  • Define roles clearly: Identify who is responsible for product vision, marketing, client relations, and technology decisions.

3. Focusing Too Much on Product Development

While creating a great product is essential, dedicating too much energy to development at the expense of understanding customer needs can be detrimental.

It's vital to:

  • Prioritize customer engagement: Spend more time understanding your customers than just building the product.

  • Balance resources: Ensure that your team has adequate sales and marketing personnel to reach customers effectively.

4. Sticking to a Rigid Plan

The market is dynamic, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Being inflexible can lead to missed opportunities.

To stay relevant:

  • Maintain open communication: Regularly engage with customers to gather feedback and insights.

  • Be willing to pivot: If market signals indicate a need for change, be prepared to adjust your strategy accordingly.

If we see that a change in direction or a pivot will significantly increase value for our customers, it's worth considering and testing. Being stubborn and sticking only to our guns makes sense in certain circumstances, but it's important to back it up not only with personal thoughts but also with hard data that makes us believe our solution will eventually conquer the market. Sometimes it just takes repackaging our product's value proposition differently for the market to understand it better.

Good example:

A good example is OpenAI, which was initially available mainly for developers through an API interface. When it introduced the chat format, understandable to the average internet user, the solution's popularity exploded, reaching the masses. 


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5. Pursuing Perfection

it must be the perfect digital product

Many entrepreneurs fall into the trap of believing their product must be perfect before launch. However, this mindset can delay market entry and hinder success. 


  • Embrace the MVP approach: Start with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to test market needs and user engagement.

  • Iterate based on feedback: Use customer feedback to improve your product continuously.


Creating a successful digital product is no easy feat, but by avoiding these common mistakes, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

The common mistakes I mentioned sink many product organizations, not because founders don't want to create a cool solution, but often because they identify too closely with what they are creating. Their solutions are created most often not for them but for their customers, and that's worth remembering. Only the customer can objectively assess whether something makes sense or not, so it's worth maximizing touch points with them and letting them evaluate as soon as possible.

Dawid Pośliński's Avatar
Dawid Pośliński
As a CEO I am responsible for investigating and assessing new and existing technologies along with processes to develop innovative offering concepts as well as the technology strategy and vision. Being experienced in many programming languages and frameworks I create innovative concepts and solutions that help our customers gain a competitive edge in the fast-paced, dynamic business environment.

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