Meet people behind HRM
Software Development

TomaszClient and Team Lead
I collaborate directly with product owners and I am always in tune with end customers and business requirements. I have a deep understanding of the use of SQL databases in building highly-available enterprise applications. I know what it takes to not only get the job done but to get it done with excellence on both back-end and front-end. I am Ruby on Rails developer with skills in React.js and React Native, experienced in MySQL and Postgresql databases.
Katarzyna Legień
Mateusz Matejko
Tomasz Biłka
Tomasz Noworyta
Dawid Kawiak
Przemysław Pełszyński
Arkadiusz Konopka

We bring unique perspectives and skills to every project we take on.

At the heart of everything we do is a deep understanding of our clients' needs and a relentless pursuit of excellence in meeting those needs. We analyze benefits and risks in the entire application development process, both on the front and back-end sides.

Engaging People

Engaging People

We always improve our skills, keep on learning and focus on the bigger picture.

Assuring Success

Assuring Success

We help clients delight their end-users leveraging our domain knowledge and sustainable pace of work.

Fostering Communication

Fostering Communication

We have a proactive approach, honestly share our thoughts and educate our clients.

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## We strive to anticipate users' needs by delivering **functionalities that meet their expectations**.
Client and Team Lead

We strive to anticipate users' needs by delivering functionalities that meet their expectations.

Our diverse minds and extensive domain knowledge allow us to approach challenges from multiple perspectives and create innovative solutions.

Tomasz Noworyta
Tomasz Noworyta
Client and Team Lead
Avarage seniority
Retention Rate
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OUR EXPERTISEHow we helped clients grow their businesses

Project #1 Changing the future of job-seeking process

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Henrik, CTO at Humly, an authorized staffing and recruitment company, looked for additional resources to grow their digital platform and began the rewrite from scratch. While working on this HRM project we provided full-stack development. Our developers mixed with the Swedish team and became part of the daily grind.


Project #2 Reaching Fortune 500 companies with HRM platform

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Our client looked for skilled developers to build automated online measurement tools for high-quality evaluations and psychometric tests. We built a cloud-based platform that measures critical HR and communications processes impacting employee engagement and company performance.


Project #3 Facilitating team management to gain leverage in change implementation

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CEO of consulting and implementation company wanted to create a software solution to improve training delivery and establish more effective communications among employees involved in the change process. Building a full-fledged team we designed and develop a set of web and mobile applications.

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Awards & Certificates

reviewed on
30 reviews
  • Top 1000 Companies Global 2021
  • Top Development Company Poland 2021
HR dream team
  • 2020 HR Dream Team Award
  • 2016 Employer Branding Featured
  • 2015 HR Dream Team Award
ISO CertificateISO CertificateAWS Certificate
  • Information Security Management System compliant with PN-EN ISO/IEC 27001
  • Business Continuity Management compliant with ISO 22301
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate