When we think of web app development frameworks, there are a handful that spring to mind before Ruby on Rails. But actually, the whole world of web development would not be the same without Ruby on Rails.
Despite being initially released all the way back in 2004 (making it 18 years old at the time of writing),
So, Ruby might not be one of the most well-known programming languages but it certainly is one of the most well-used, and there is a lot to be said for the people who use it on Rails.
Using Ruby on Rails could be what you need to take your web app to the next level so stay tuned as we find out how to find and hire Ruby on Rails programmers. They might prove to be the most valuable outsourced employees you’ve hired in a long time!
Why should I use Ruby on Rails?
Not only is Ruby one of the best programming languages with a whole heap of benefits, but the Rails framework compliments it perfectly making for an awesome team. Here are just a few of the key advantages you can expect to enjoy if you decide to use it for your next software development project:
- Cost-effective: Ruby on Rails is one of the most efficient ways to develop web applications which makes it low on cost. Think about it: you’ll have to hire fewer full-time team members or outsourced web developers to get the job done because less time will be spent developing the project overall.
- Easy to maintain: you can save even more money with Ruby on Rails when it comes to maintenance. Making changes, fixing bugs and just generally keeping things up to date is a really smooth process using this platform which means fewer developers will be required once again, and it makes your life a lot easier too.
- Solid for security: these days, cyber security is a grave concern for a lot of people and rightfully so. However, if Ruby on Rails has been used to develop your project you’ll have little to worry about. That’s because it has a whole bunch of built-in safety features!
What are the use cases for RoR?
Now that we’ve seen some of the benefits of using Ruby on Rails, it’s time to figure out which circumstances it should be used in. As we know, there is a lot of competition against Ruby on Rails such as Java, so which development processes and products are best suited for RoR?
It’s widely thought that the best use of Ruby on Rails in terms of development projects is for online stores that have advanced options for buying and shopping. That’s because it’s super versatile, which allows it to handle complicated processes and tasks with ease.
It’s also really great for social networking sites and stock market platforms. When you think about it, these are pretty complicated web applications to build, so if you have something in this ballpark in mind, Ruby on Rails might be the best choice for you.
Some huge brands with some amazing websites use Ruby on Rails web apps. Take a look at the websites of Soundcloud, GitHub and Airbnb (just to name a few) and see how great they look and how easy they are to use. These sites have been created by highly-skilled programmers, which says a lot about the status of Ruby on Rails as a whole.
How to hire Ruby on Rails Developers
If you’ve come this far into the article and feel like Ruby on Rails is for you then congratulations, you’ve made a great choice. But what’s the point in trying to teach it to your in-house developers or even hiring a full-time developer when you can Ruby on Rails outsource the work?
There are tonnes of top-notch RoR developers out there with years of experience. All you need to do is go out there and find them, and it could not be easier if you have the right information to go on with.
But before we show you that, let’s take a quick look at the main pros and cons of using an outsourced development team (hiring Ruby on Rails specialists) as opposed to new in-house developers:
- Time-saving: if you choose to hire your own developers in-house, you probably already know it’s going to take a long time. You’ll need to interview several people, provide them with a trial task and then go through all the HR admin for those you do decide to hire. On the other hand, most of this will be done for you by an agency if you decide to outsource the work.
- Better on your budget: time is money. So, saving time in this way is saving you money! On top of that, the flexible basis of hiring through an outsourced agency means you only have to keep the developers in your team for as long as you need them so when the project is up, you can let them go and not pay any more than you have to. You can even put an agency on a trial period to see if they are right for you.
- Higher levels of expertise: of course, it’s possible to hire a Ruby on Rails developer with a lot of skill in-house. But once again, it requires a lot of time to make sure they are right for the task. Outsourced agencies have already done all that work with their own team, so you know you’re going to be hiring RoR developers at the top of their game.
Where to find Ruby on Rails developers? Top websites for hiring RoR experts
There are loads of great sites online that you can use to find the best of the best software development talent. It just depends on whether you are looking to hire an individual developer or a whole outsourced team. So, consider the scale of the project.
If it’s a single developer you’re looking for, here are some of the top sites you can use in your search:
- Ruby on Rails Jobs: what can be a better place to start than a job board dedicated to Ruby on Rails developers? This just goes to show how big RoR actually is. So, if you’re looking for a boutique, a specialist place to hire Rails developers, this is the place to be.
- Toptal: if you prefer to be a little more open with your search, or if you want to hire developers using a number of different frameworks, you might be better off using a more general software developer freelancing platform. Toptal is one of the best in the world for that right now, so go check it out!
- GitHub Jobs: everyone loves GitHub. It’s been around for many years and is an integral part of the tech community. But did you know they have their own job board? It’s a great place to be!
If it’s a whole team, maybe the following will be better suited to you:
- Clutch: if you want to ensure that an outsourcing agency is verified and of very high quality then look no further than Clutch. You’ll find all the finest companies on this site without fail.
- Goodfirms: Goodfirms has been around for less time than Clutch but that does not mean it lacks in quality. It’s one of the fastest-growing sites of its kind and already covers over 6000 companies.
- SoftwareWorld: this is perhaps the biggest name on the outsourcing scene and is an automatic go-to for many companies all around the world. SoftwareWorld has one of the biggest banks of companies and excellent tools to help you find what you’re looking for.
Remember, you can always reach out directly to Selleo if you want to skip the hassle of searching. We’ve got loads of amazing RoR developers just waiting to help you out on your next project.
Steps to take when hiring a RoR specialist
If you’re thinking about embarking on Ruby on Rails projects in the future, there are a few things you will need to consider when hiring new developers. Firstly, you’ll need to find the right developer or team. To make sure that they absolutely are right, you’ll need to interview them. We’ve put together some tips on how to do both of those things.
Identify your ideal Ruby on Rails developer
Just like with any hire, there are some questions you should be asking yourself before you bring anyone to the interview stage. If you run through this checklist, you’ll save time on bringing people to interview who just aren’t right for the job.
Consider at least some of the following as you are searching for an RoR developer:
- How much experience do they have with RoR?
- Will they integrate into your team efficiently?
- How good is their communication either as an individual or as a team?
- What is their previous experience like on similar projects?
- What does their development process look like and does it fit with what you have in mind for your next project?
- Are they reliable?
- Is their schedule open enough to be able to apply themselves to your project as much as you need from them?
- What is their overall attitude like? Does it fit with your company and is it generally positive and open-minded?
Interview questions to ask a software engineer
You can find out the answers to a lot of the previous questions simply by looking at the profile of the developer and with initial conversations, but there are some things that you will definitely need to meet face to face (or at least over a video call) to find out.
When it comes to interview time, there’s no harm in picking a handful of candidates, but try not to pick too many or you will be wasting your own time as much as anyone else’s. Check out the following tips for interview questions when you’ve figured out your shortlist:
- What are your biggest motivators in your life as a professional?
- Which experience with similar projects is most relatable to this project based on your understanding of it so far?
- Name a time you disagreed with a colleague and how did the situation resolve?
- What are some characteristics of Ruby and Rails that are unique to it?
- Name some of the main advantages of using Ruby and Rails above a different framework.
6 Common Mistakes To Avoid when hiring developers
Even with all this information to hand, you still may find yourself making the occasional mistake in the hiring process, but don’t worry. This is always going to happen from time to time and it’s not the end of the world if you can spot it early and figure out what to do with it!
Here are a few of the most common mistakes people will make as they go about hiring a RoR developer. Make sure you check these out before you even begin the hiring process so that you don’t end up making any of these mistakes for yourself!
- Hiring based on keywords in a resume: it can be really tempting to try and make shortcuts as you hire and one of the most popular (but foolish) of these is to skim read a resume and hire based on this rather than really trying to understand what the candidate is all about.
- Outdated or unnecessary tests for candidates: while it is, of course, important to test your candidates, selecting the right test is key. If you test them on unnecessary things, it’s going to waste time, and will just end up frustrating the individual you are hiring.
- A lack of pre-screening: remember how we talked about how important it is to be confident you have the right candidate before you bring them to interview? It can’t be stressed enough how important pre-screening actually is!
- Not asking the right questions at an interview: when it comes to interviews, it’s crunch time. Make mistakes here and the worst possible outcome may occur, hiring a candidate who isn’t right. As you probably already know, hiring the wrong candidate can be a massive drain of time and money and could have a negative effect on the overall quality of the project.
- Getting the job description wrong: when people apply for your job or when you approach candidates, it’s partially up to them to decide whether they are right for the role. A good candidate will know if they are up to the task or not, and the best way to translate that is by really nailing your job description and getting all the right keywords in for searches.
- Missing out on following up on references: whether you decide to talk to a candidate’s references before or after you interview them, it doesn’t really matter. Just know that it’s important to do because it could raise any potential red flags that would have otherwise gone amiss.
With this guide, you’ll be in the driving seat to knowing whether Ruby on Rails is right for your next project and if so, how to get the best developers on your team for a fine quality web application.
This could be a really exciting opportunity, so make sure that you look in all the right places for your RoR dev and ensure that they are right with the correct screening and interviewing. Patience is key in a task like this.
If you want to find a pool of amazing RoR developers right off the bat, you can always reach out to Selleo. We have vast experience in the development of a number of web apps and will be more than happy to show you how we can use our skills to help you.