Błażej Kosmowski
Tech ExpertBlog posts that I worked on
A Subjective Guide To Naming Stuff In Ruby on Rails: Classes
Naming things in programming may not be hard (a matter of imagination), but it is definitely hard to do it right. Also, it turns out to be very unclear what “right” means in each and every context. It doesn’t change the fact that in 8 out of 10 PRs I review, I provide a feedback related to naming, be it naming of classes, methods, fields, variables… you name it
Essential RubyOnRails Patterns — Part 4: Form Objects
Form Object is a very useful pattern in rails ecosystem as it can address variety of issues and antipatterns. In this article we will attempt to sort out in which situations Form Objects can prove useful and what conventions allow us to make most out of them.
Essential RubyOnRails Patterns — Part 2: Query Objects
Query Objects (also referred to as queries) is another pattern that helps in decomposing your fat ActiveRecord models and keeping your code both slim and readable. While this article is written with Ruby On Rails in mind, it easily applies to other frameworks, especially MVC based and applying ActiveRecord pattern.
10 Tips On How To Effectively Manage Tasks For Your Dev Team
well-described task is at least half of the story behind its successful implementation. Some other success factors are hidden in what happens to the task further down the road and especially in how the necessary feedback is provided and processed in the task implementation.
Essential RubyOnRails Patterns — Part 3: Clients And Wrappers
Clients and Wrappers (also referred to as “Facades”) are remarkably useful tools for working with external services, libraries or APIs. While both Clients and Wrappers are primarily used to facilitate usage of before-mentioned libraries or APIs, there are some significant differences in responsibilities each of these patterns have. In some cases a Wrapper can take over a Client’s responsibilities too