Bartłomiej Wójtowicz
Chief Technology OfficerAs a CTO I am responsible for making technology-related decisions, taking into consideration the specific business objectives. My goal is to facilitate the working process within a company by shaping a strategic plan tailored to the company culture. I closely cooperate with Product Owers and developers utilizing my expertise in narrow technical domains.

Blog posts that I worked on

software development
Infrastructure As A Code
Managing servers and infrastructures manually is not a very complicated task, but when you start working with multiple servers, manual configuration is getting more complex and almost unachievable. This is where the notion of Infrastructure as a Code comes in.

software development
Writing A Regular Expression Tester In Crystal As A Learning Exercise
As a part-time Rubyist, I couldn’t ignore Crystal any longer (+ I enjoy learning new programming languages) so I decided to give it a try. Because I wanted to write something useful and contribute to the community, I was looking for a small idea in the Ruby world and spoiler alert… I found it.
SaaS Founder Starter Academy
Everything you need to know to successfully launch your SaaS app.

Business analyst