Top 10 Companies Using React.js

Top 10 Companies Using React.js

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Top 10 Companies Using React.js

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Technology is evolving rapidly and making its way in every business. With an ever-growing need, the newest advancement has been introduced over the past few years. The market is introducing the latest versions of JavaScript Frameworks. Currently, we have updated versions of Angular.js, Vue.js & React.js. The development of React.js is the hottest topic among all in the software industry.

According to a survey conducted by Web Technology Surveys, React.js is used by 46.4% of all the world's websites. Some of the major brands like Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, etc. are powered by React framework.

In this article, you will learn all about  React.js, its benefits, and the top companies using it. But, let’s first start with the introduction of React.js.

What is React.js?

React is an open-source JavaScript library developed by Facebook back in 2013 for creating user interfaces. The current updated version of React.js is 16.X, released in 2017. The framework is the best option for developers to design modern single-page applications of any scale and size. By using this technology, developers can easily manage data and content of any website. Fortune 500 companies are running their websites on React.js, such as Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Uber, etc.

Let’s check some facts about React.js popularity.


React.js is one of the most advanced technologies, and many industry experts have recognized this fact. Here’re some of the details you should know about the popularity of React.

  • According to a survey conducted by StackOverflow Developer Survey Results 2019 among the world’s top-notch software developers, React.js was ranked number 1 in ‘Most Loved and Wanted Web Frameworks.’ Based on the same survey results, React.js rated number 1 on awareness, interest, and satisfaction ratio in many experts.
  • React.js is the 6th most popular in the Top 10k sites in JavaScript Library category according to Builtwith.com
  • Approximately 1,066,618 websites are using React all around the globe.

Why React.js is the First Choice for Software Development Companies?

React works as a V (View) in MVC concept, which leverages the front-end developers to build rich user interfaces of web and apps. One of the major reasons for the popularity of this technology is the ease of use. To create with React, a software engineer only needs just a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript.

By looking at the popularity of React.js, anyone can see that there ought to be particular reasons why front-end developers love this framework so much. React.js benefits are quite a big one; here are some most key react functions it offers. Let’s get into more details of each advantage:

Fast Rate of Interface Rendering

Nowadays, web apps and sites have become more centric on content. They are required to handle constant interactions with users as well as adequately displaying loads of dynamically updated data.

Due to Document Object Model (DOM), React can handle interface rendering quite efficiently. Let say a newsfeed is being implemented; in such a case, the DOM will take responsibility for drawing up components in the browser.

To get more benefits, a software developer can use a virtual document object model. It is a lightweight alternative to the standard DOM. Store at the user-side, a Virtual DOM can draw up new elements so quickly that even a human eye couldn’t even notice them. It also helps web app developers achieve a multi-component methodology to compose code instead of handling whole blocks with many dependencies.

Virtual DOM maximized the performance of any interactive web and app pages. It boosts the overall user satisfaction as a whole.

Easy-to-Use for Software Developers

React.js is pretty easy to master. It has many benefits, and one of them is one-way-data binding. It keeps developers safe from the pain of adding numerous code for customizations in parent components when there is a need to modernize inherited structures.

React's isomorphic nature allows software engineers to reuse the same code on the user and server-side of the software. Hence, saving the dev team from duplicating the same functionality in two different ways.

Some experts from the software industry do not consider one-way-data binding as a benefit. They believe that experienced programmers may accidentally make many code errors and disturb dependencies without even noticing it.

Many experts think that since React allows writing spotless and lightweight the code isn’t interspersed with excessive elements. That’s why a one-way data-binding feature is considered beneficial to business success.

React.js is the Future

Organizations seek stability when it comes to technology, and ReactJS is just that. Backed by a big name like Facebook and Instagram, millions of developers trust this technology.

Even with peer competition increasing, ReactJS has sustained its popularity. Its popularity has been soaring high still. Hence, developers find security and stability in React.js; that is why it is considered the future software industry.

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Improved SEO

Talking from an SEO perspective, the web or app needs to have a low loading time. With React.js in your web app or web page's foundation, it won’t take more than three seconds to load. This is a significant reason developers love this technology as it affects the search engine results in position and advances the SEO.


Integration with Advanced Third-Party Solutions

React.js is created and supported by the Facebook team, but other companies can use it in their projects. React.js, due to its open-source nature, allows companies to access advanced third-party solutions.

With React's help, software developers can create the most extraordinary and excellent web apps and web pages. In general, the popularity and prevalent use of the library cannot be questioned. It’s now used by over 40 million developers from all over the world.

Multipurpose Uses of Code

One of the biggest and unmatched advantages of React is the ability to reuse the writing components (codes) over and over again. These components can be reused both in the same project and in any third-party solutions, customizing only the connections with other existing components. By using React.js, software development companies can significantly reduce the time it takes to finish up the project.

The reusability works with all types of software compatible with the React.js library. For example, a code that is written for a website implementation can repeatedly be used for any app. In this way, you don’t need separate teams to build a mobile app and a web-based platform for the same client. One dev team can do both tasks.

The feature also aids in reducing the number of code errors. Platforms developed by using React.js can be easily tested and become very predictable in their functionality.

Efficient Design and Developer Tools

React is a one-stop shop for everything a software developer might need. It has a great set of effective designs, development, and debugging tools. The toolsets work for certain browsers such as Firefox and Chrome. A developer can easily undergo inspection in the V-DOM from these browsers. It also helps in tracking the hierarchy of React components.

Top 10 Companies That Use React

According to an estimate, approximately 8 thousand companies worldwide are using React.js for implementing web resources and mobile apps. The list includes some top mobile apps that were built using React Native.


Facebook created React.js back in 2013 as a cross-platform for mobile app development. Facebook's own mobile app is developed using React. It has one of the biggest active user-bases in the world. Facebook is built on React and is responsible for displaying the iOS and Android native components. The first beta version of the Facebook app introduced the React.js library. Later, it was completely rewritten and called React Fiber.



Instagram is also owned and run by Facebook Company. Instagram app is created using React Native, which gives an amazing look and feel in terms of UI and UX. When Facebook bought Instagram, it was a huge challenge to move the app to React Native, but it was done successfully. The visible change in the app was in the effect of both Android and iOS platforms.


After Instagram, Facebook took over Whatsapp as well. It is the world’s largest messaging service, with billions of active users who communicate daily via the app. Currently, Whatapp is using React to give a better experience to the users.



Facebook owns Yahoo! Company too. The team employed React.js to implement an updated version of Yahoo Mail. The purpose of implementing  React Native was based on the ability to create independent modular components, fast rendering, a steep learning curve. It is also meant to provide extensive support for third-party development tools.

New York Times


Another big name in the list of apps using React Native is the New York Times – the biggest and most influential news source globally. New York Times adds a great look to the content by introducing a new project. By looking at the user interface, you can tell that the app is built on React Native due to the impressive features added to it.


The world is crazy about Netflix. It is the most famous on-demand streaming channel. React Native was added to Netflix when it was facing low performance on various devices. The implementation of React.js has improved the runtime performance, modularity, and various other components in the Netflix app.



Another name in the list of apps is Airbnb. Currently, 60+ software engineers were working with React Native technology to develop and design the Airbnb application.

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Discord is one of the famous free voice and chats apps for gamers. By using this app, gamers can chat with other gamers, check the availability, and catch up via text messages. Using React.js, 98% of the iOS and Android code were shared, which is the best example of using cross-platform app development.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an American non-profit educational organization created in 2008 by Salman Khan for free online education. The platform has produced over 6,500 video lessons teaching a broad spectrum of academic subjects, initially focusing on mathematics and sciences. After implementing React Native, the organization has witnessed many positive changes. The team has defined these changes as a worthy update. The implementation of React Library covered several essential features, including element changes and the elimination of unnecessary re-renders.



DropBox is a cloud-based web service for data storing and synchronization. The platform started employing ReactJS capabilities just recently. The library served best in terms of enhancing interactive frontend elements.


Is there any doubt in React.js' credibility when companies like Facebook, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb, and Yahoo! are using it? The reason for the popularity of this technology among the most ambitious companies is to focus on the high performance and flexibility of software.

React is the future of the software industry; why? Because companies using React technology can accelerate the whole project workflow by reusing components in numerous projects over and over again.

Don’t forget that React.js is created and run by a team of the most capable software engineers in the world. If you wish to enter the rows of insightful companies using React.js, planning to create your own digital product with its help - don’t waste any time. At Selleo, we have a team of ace React developers that have successfully launched dozens of React.js-based projects, and we can pave the way to your company’s success as well.

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