What Is the Best Applicant Tracking System for Businesses?

What Is the Best Applicant Tracking System for Businesses?

What Is the Best Applicant Tracking System for Businesses?

Efficient hiring processes are crucial for your business’s success, and having a robust Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can make all the difference. With the right ATS, you can streamline your recruitment efforts, enhance candidate experience, and boost your overall hiring efficiency. According to research, 86.1% of businesses using an Applicant Tracking Software report that it has sped up their hiring process. In addition, about 94% of ATS users state that these systems have effectively improved their hiring processes, particularly in sorting and screening candidates.

Furthermore, organizations that use ATS experience a 30% increase in candidate engagement and a 15% decrease in hiring costs. This demonstrates the system's effectiveness in enhancing recruitment efforts and enabling informed hiring decisions.

organizations that use applicant tracking system

What will you learn from this article?

  • What is an applicant tracking system?

  • Benefits of using ATS for businesses.

  • Criteria for Choosing the best applicant tracking systems - for small businesses and enterprises.

  • Comparison of top applicant tracking systems.

  • Top features worth putting in your ATS.

What Is an Applicant Tracking System?

An Applicant Tracking System is a software application designed to streamline and manage the recruitment process for businesses. It automates many of the tasks associated with hiring, making it easier for companies to find, screen, and hire candidates efficiently.

Basic functionalities of an ATS

Basic functionalities of an ATS include resume parsing, which extracts key information from resumes for easy comparison; candidate tracking, which monitors the progress of applicants through the hiring process; candidate sourcing, which helps identify potential candidates from various platforms; interview scheduling, which coordinates times between candidates and interviewers; and integrations with other HR tools and platforms. Additionally, an ATS often includes advanced analytics and reporting features to assess recruitment metrics, identify bottlenecks, and optimize the hiring process.

What Are the Benefits of Using the Best ATS for Businesses?

Benefits of Using the Best ATS for Businesses

When it comes to hiring, using the best Applicant Tracking System can make a world of difference for your business, irrespective of its size. The following is how an ATS can enhance your recruitment process:


With an ATS, you can streamline your hiring process and significantly reduce the time-to-hire. It automates repetitive tasks like resume screening, interview scheduling, and candidate communication, freeing up your HR team to focus on more strategic activities. This means you can make faster hiring decisions and secure top talent before your competitors do.

Improved Process

With an ATS, you can provide an easy-to-follow flow for candidates throughout the hiring process. It ensures that each step, from application submission to final interview, is clearly defined and seamlessly managed. This improved process enhances the candidate experience and reduces the likelihood of missed steps or communication breakdowns.


An ATS centralizes all candidate information in one place, making it easier for your HR team members to access and manage data. This centralization improves collaboration, as everyone on your HR team can view and update candidate statuses, share notes, and coordinate efforts.

Dedicated Job Site

Many ATS platforms offer a dedicated job site feature, thus allowing your businesses to create branded career pages. This makes it easier for candidates to find and apply for your open positions, providing a professional and cohesive candidate experience. In addition, a dedicated job site enhances your company's employer brand and attracts more qualified applicants.

Easy Job Advertisement Publication on Many Job Portals

An ATS simplifies the process of publishing job advertisements on multiple job portals. With just a few clicks, your HR teams can distribute job postings to a wide range of job boards and social media platforms. This broadens the reach of your job advertisements and increases the likelihood of attracting diverse pools of candidates.

GDPR Compliance & Automation

An ATS helps ensure your organization’s hiring process complies with regulations such as GDPR. It automates data protection measures, such as obtaining candidate consent for data processing and securely storing personal information. By adhering to these regulations, your businesses can avoid legal issues and maintain a positive reputation.

How to Choose the Best Applicant Tracking System? - Startup vs Enterprise

When selecting an Applicant Tracking System, your needs will differ significantly depending on whether you're running a small business or an enterprise. Below, we discuss the criteria for choosing the best ATS or HRMS software for both small businesses and enterprises.

For Small Businesses

If you have a small business with over 50 or 100 employees and need to hire at least 10 people monthly, finding the right ATS software is crucial. With limited resources and the need to compete for top talent, your choice of ATS can make a big difference. The following are the criteria you should focus on when choosing an ATS:

  • Budget considerations

Balancing cost and features is key. Ensure you compare pricing plans and features across different ATS tools to make an informed decision in selecting an ATS that fits within the budget while meeting your business needs.

  • Need for efficiency

With a small HR team, you will probably find recruiting, screening, interviewing, and onboarding to be time-consuming. An efficient ATS can significantly reduce the time and effort you need for these tasks, allowing you to focus on other critical activities.

  • Features and flexibility

Look for ATS software offering essential features like resume parsing, candidate tracking, and interview scheduling. It is also beneficial to choose a system that allows for scalability, so you can add more features as your business grows. Take advantage of free plans and trial periods to test the software and see if it fits well with your workflow.

  • AI integration

AI-powered ATS solutions can enhance recruitment productivity by automating repetitive tasks and providing intelligent insights into candidate selection. Consider opting for ATS tools incorporating AI to stay competitive in the job market.

  • Scalability

As your organization grows, your HR needs evolve. An effective HRMS must be scalable, accommodating increasing employee numbers and expanding functionalities without compromising performance. This flexibility ensures that the system can adapt to your changing demands.

For Enterprises

If you’re managing a large company, relying solely on an ATS isn’t enough. You need a comprehensive Human Resource Management System (HRMS) covering more than just recruitment. The following are the criteria you should focus on when choosing HRMS software:

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  • Comprehensive functionality

You need an HRMS that includes a wide range of features beyond applicant tracking, such as payroll processing, performance management, employee onboarding, and benefits administration. This comprehensive functionality allows you to manage all HR processes in one platform, improving efficiency and data accuracy.

  • Integration capabilities

Since you often use multiple software solutions across different departments, your HRMS must easily integrate with existing systems, such as finance and project management tools. This integration minimizes data silos and enhances collaboration across departments.

  • Advanced analytics and reporting

You can benefit from robust analytics capabilities that provide insights into workforce performance, recruitment effectiveness, and employee engagement. Look for an HRMS that offers customizable reporting tools to help you make informed strategic decisions based on real-time data.

  • Compliance and security

With a larger employee base, you must ensure your HRMS complies with various regulations, including data protection laws like GDPR. In other words, the system should include robust security features to protect sensitive employee information and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Comparison of Top Applicant Tracking Systems

When choosing an applicant tracking system, it's essential to compare various options to find the one that best suits your business needs. Below, we'll compare three types of systems: a comprehensive HRMS with ATS functionality, a popular standalone ATS, and a dedicated ATS app customized for different businesses.


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Workable is a comprehensive HRMS with ATS functionality that empowers hiring teams and in-house recruiters to streamline the entire HR process, including everything from candidate sourcing to employee onboarding and management.

Key Features:

  • Provides custom onboarding, e-sign documents, and centralized employee info storage.

  • Offers automatic time-off tracking, custom performance reviews, and HR process tracking.

  • Automates recruiting tasks, schedules interviews, and manages approvals.

  • Offers collaborative tools.

  • Offers one-click job posting to 200+ sites, AI-powered sourcing, and employee referrals.

  • Provide functionality that reduces unconscious bias.

  • Summarizes candidate profiles.

  • Enables self-scheduling and calendar integrations.

  • Supports multi-part interviews.

  • Provides automated reports tools and integrates with BI tools.

  • Integrates with LinkedIn, Google, and over 70 other apps.


  • Workable makes it simple for hiring teams to provide feedback and collaborate throughout the hiring process.

  • The platform offers templates for every step of the recruitment process, helping you maintain a professional appearance.

  • The user interface is intuitive, making it easy for hiring managers to interview and evaluate candidates.

  • Workable’s wide network of job posting sites increases the visibility of your job posts.

  • Workable’s customer support team is responsive and helpful, ensuring you get the assistance you need.


  • Some users find the onboarding features lacking compared to other HRMS solutions.

  • The extensive customization options can be overwhelming for some users, especially those new to the platform.

Cost Comparison:

  • Starter Plan: costs $189 per month and includes essential HR features, making it ideal for small businesses or startups with occasional hiring needs.

  • Standard Plan: priced at $378 per month, offers enhanced HR features, and is suitable for mid-sized businesses with consistent hiring needs.

  • Premier Plan: costs $628 per month and is customized for large enterprises with strategic hiring and HR needs.


Breeze is a popular standalone Applicant Tracking System designed to streamline the hiring process for businesses of various sizes. Below is an overview of its features, pros and cons, and a cost comparison for different business sizes.

Key Features:

  • Post job listings across more than 50 job boards with ease.

  • Automate HR tasks and ensure compliance with GDPR.

  • Enables customization of personal career site to attract top talent.

  • Offers multi-language support

  • Quickly parse and analyze resumes for better matching.

  • Automate follow-ups and updates to streamline your workflow.

  • Sync with your email and calendar for easy management.

  • Let candidates schedule their own interviews.

  • Develop scorecards for consistent candidate assessments.

  • Use advanced questionnaires for detailed assessments.

  • Integrate with different assessment tools.

  • Connect with HR Information Systems for smooth data handling.


  • It has a user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate.

  • It keeps all candidate information in one place.

  • The platform offers a free plan and a 14-day trial for paid options.

  • It allows you to post jobs to over 50 job boards in no time.

  • Breeze facilitates easy communication with candidates.


  • Support is only available through email and chat.

  • Premium plans can be costly.

  • Setting up scorecards and feedback systems can be challenging.

Cost Comparison:

  • Startup Plan: $157/month - ideal for small businesses or startups with occasional hiring.

  • Growth Plan: $273/month - suitable for mid-sized businesses with regular hiring needs.

  • Business Plan: $439/month - designed for large enterprises with extensive recruitment requirements.

Dedicated ATS Apps Customized for Various Businesses

When choosing an Applicant Tracking System, the cost and features can vary significantly depending on the number of employees and specific business needs. Below, we compare the pricing and features of two popular ATS solutions: Zoho People and Workable, focusing on different employee levels.

Dedicated ATS Apps Customized for Various Businesses

TOP Features Worth Putting in Your ATS

To enhance your recruitment efforts effectively, it is important to choose an ATS with advanced features that cater to the evolving needs of both recruiters and candidates. The following are some key features to consider for a smooth, efficient, and engaging hiring experience:

  • AI and machine learning integration: automate repetitive tasks, improve candidate matching, and use predictive analytics for better hiring decisions.

  • Enhanced candidate engagement tools: keep candidates informed and engaged with automated emails, chatbots, and personalized messaging.

  • Customizable workflows and pipelines: tailor the hiring process to your specific needs for a seamless and efficient recruitment experience.

  • Mobile accessibility: ensure recruiters and candidates can access the ATS on mobile devices, allowing interaction anytime, anywhere.

  • Diversity and inclusion tools: promote diversity and inclusion with features like anonymized screening, diversity analytics, and bias reduction algorithms.

  • Integration with other HR and productivity tools: streamline operations by integrating the ATS with payroll systems, employee onboarding platforms, and project management software.


Choosing the best Applicant Tracking System for your business depends on several factors, including the size of your organization, specific hiring needs, and the features you prioritize. For small businesses or startups, an ATS with essential functionalities, like customizable workflows and mobile accessibility, can offer significant benefits without adding unnecessary complexity. Larger enterprises, on the other hand, might need advanced features such as AI and machine learning integration, enhanced candidate engagement tools, and comprehensive diversity and inclusion tools to manage high-volume hiring processes efficiently.

When evaluating ATS options like, Breezy, Zoho People, and Workable, consider how well they integrate with your existing HR and productivity tools. Both platforms offer robust features tailored to different business sizes and needs, but the right choice will depend on your specific requirements and budget.

Ultimately, the best ATS is one that not only streamlines your recruitment process but also aligns with your organizational goals and growth plans. By carefully assessing the features and scalability of each system, you can ensure that you choose an ATS that supports your business's unique needs and helps you attract the best talent in the market.

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Dariusz Wylon
As a Chief Business Officer, I leverage a unique blend of leadership, innovation, and relationship-building to craft client-centric solutions that drive digital transformation and operational excellence. I facilitate the growth of leaders and their companies helping them to move from the ideation and MVP stage towards the SaaS ScaleUp with revenue streams.

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