Finpay - A next-generation GRC platform
Finpay is a SaaS platform that aids organizations in maturing their cyber security, compliance capabilities, and risk management. The solution helps to secure digital assets in a cost-effective way.

about project
Project Overview
A next-generation GRC platform designed to deliver data-driven insights powered by AI.
To develop a new application architecture and create a new UI/UX design.
A platform that met contemporary coding standards and security practices with user-friendly design and well-documented, easy-to-read code.

our role
Scope of our work
The project aimed to develop a completely new architecture and implement additional functionalities into the application. The scope also included designing a new, user-friendly interface while educating our client’s team.
system management
User Types
The platform allows access to companies as administrators and users who are given roles in the company’s structure.

design system
A marvelous design throughout all the application.


Outcome Gallery
We have designed a new user-friendly UX/UI to enable easy access to all statistics and reports.
Dashboard & Sign Up

Control Sets

Control Set - comments

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