Staff augmentation

Staff Augmentation for Sofware Teams

We support businesses and tech leaders with software development. Our personalized staff augmentation and team augmentation services will help you deliver exceptional results for your projects.

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Global brands and educational institutions benefit from digital products we've developed:
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Shall we work on a project together?

Strengthen your team Our developers stay with us for long periods of time, minimizing the need for frequent staff changes on your project. Our in-house development team ensures that you benefit from consistent team dynamics and reduces the time spent onboarding new team members.

Unwavering Communication & Control Following the Scrum development methodology, we guarantee full transparency and control over the development process for our clients. You'll always be informed and involved. You'll always get access to all necessary project management tools!

Expertise in staff augmentation With our extensive experience, we provide you with exceptional staff augmentation services through many years in the industry and numerous successful projects. Our expertise in staff and team augmentation ensures that we can meet your unique needs efficiently and effectively.

Delivered Projects
Years of experience
Certificates & awards

Customized AI features that we can implement to your platform

The best way to stay competitive with your application is to follow trends and tools that shape your industry! Adopting AI capabilities can significantly improve your business performance. Some of these are the following:

AI-driven content creation

Automated grading and feedback

Adaptive learning systems

NLP for language learning

Predictive analytics for employee performance

Gamification and AI-enhanced learning games

AI chatbots for customer engagement

Smart assistants

Voice recognition

AI-powered analytics and personalization

AI Image
Head of production
IreneuszHead of production

Create your competitive edge!

Consult your business needs and let us know your project needs.

Our Expertise

Our custom software development case studies


A micro-learning app for corporations offering scenario-based spaced learning

We have developed a unique admin section while rebuilding existing elements and designs. We have implemented various question types like video, presentation, or fill-in-the-gap, each of them with its own complexities which had to be managed carefully so the app can be easily extended in the future.
Codebase in TypeScript
Years of collaboration
View project
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Our staff augmentation process

Our staff augmentation services are followed by a specific process that tells you what you can expect when collaborating with us on every step. This way we will seamlessly integrate with your existing team and adapt to your processes.

Matching and proposal

From newly funded startups to established SaaS platforms, we understand that each business has unique goals and challenges.

  • Share software development challenges.

  • Sign an NDA if needed.

  • Discuss team composition with the Technology Leader.


Share your team composition needs, tech challenges, and project goals.


Curate a shortlist of developers who closely match your project and present detailed profiles.


2-3 days


A selection of highly qualified developer candidates tailored to your specific requirements.

Building your dream team

Whether you need a full cross-functional team for a complete project takeover or specialized developers to accelerate existing initiatives, our augmentation model ensures immediate value from day one.

  • Interview candidates to check cultural fit.

  • Verify each developer's technical skills.

  • Handpick the ideal candidates.


Interview candidates and make the final decision on who joins your team.


Facilitate the whole process to help you make informed choices.


2-3 days


Perfect team aligned to your business and technical needs.

Signing contract

We prioritize transparency and tailor our collaboration terms to your specific needs, ensuring a solid foundation for a successful partnership.

  • Review legal aspects concerning IP transfer and confidentiality.

  • Select payment options that align with your business model.

  • Give your final approval on the team composition and collaboration terms.


Engage in the legal discussion, ensuring clarity on all aspects of the collaboration.


Provide a clear and comprehensive contract outlining mutual expectations, responsibilities, and the protection of your rights to the developed software.


2-5 days


A legally sound contract that safeguards your interests, and sets the stage for the successful delivery of your project.

Onboarding for immediate results

Whether you prefer an in-person kickoff at our office or a virtual meeting, we ensure your new team members are fully aligned with your business goals and project vision, enabling a swift and efficient start.

  • Onboard the team and establish the communication flow.

  • Share your project vision, business goals, and specific objectives.

  • Ensure access to the essential tools and procedures employed within your organization.


Set up collaboration tools, and align a team with your business goals.


Ensure a smooth transition for your new team members, enabling them to hit the ground running.


1-2 days


A high-performing, fully integrated team ready to deliver tangible results from the moment they join your project.

We can help you build a platform in any context

From ready development teams that have experience in working together to a single developer. Find out how we can help your business scale and achieve better results.

  • Talent Pool and Customization

    Our software development team can easily jump into your existing processes, providing high-quality skills and workforce

    • Dedicated developers and teams
    • Flexible engagement models
    • Diverse expertise
  • Team Integration and Management

    Efficiently manage and integrate new team members to maintain productivity and project continuity.

    • Quick onboarding
    • Cultural fit
    • Scalable teams
    • Flexible time zone
  • Efficiency and Productivity

    Specialized professionals focus solely on your project, leading to higher efficiency and productivity.

    • High productivity
    • Cost control
    • Data security and compliance

Interested in staff augmentation?

Get a free quote for your project. Reach out today!

Dawid Pośliński


Dariusz Wylon

  • Benefit from our expertise and planning

  • Hire developers at competitive rates

  • Leverage our elearning-centric approach


Client Value & Trust

Learn how entrepreneurs, business and technology leaders who are after software driven innovation are collaborating with our high-performing teams.

Steve Cornwell
Steve Cornwell
CEO, Northpass, USA

Selleo has proved to be a professional and competent web and mobile software development team, they were apt at understanding our wishes and extremely service minded. I highly endorse whole Selleo team.


Project requirements: In agile software development, the project requirements are typically captured in the form of user stories and acceptance criteria. These describe the desired functionality of the software from the perspective of the end user. Having a clear understanding of your user stories and acceptance criteria can help us to estimate the amount of work required to develop the software.

Project scope: It's important to have a clear understanding of the scope of the project, including the number of features or modules that need to be developed, and any dependencies or constraints that may impact development.

Prioritization: Agile software development emphasizes prioritization of user stories based on customer needs and feedback. As the client, you would play an important role in prioritizing work based on business value and urgency. This can help us to focus the development team's efforts on the most important features and ensure that we're delivering value to the customer with each iteration.

In agile software development, the cost of the development process is not typically estimated upfront as a fixed budget. Instead, agile projects are often structured around a flexible budget that can adapt to changing requirements and priorities as the project progresses. To provide a rough estimate of the cost, it's necessary to first understand the scope of the project and the requirements of the client. This can be done through discussions and collaboration with the client to establish a clear understanding of their needs, as well as to identify any potential risks and challenges that may impact the development process. Once the scope of the project has been established, the cost of the development process can be estimated based on the level of effort required to develop the software. This involves breaking down the project into smaller, more manageable tasks and estimating the amount of time and resources required to complete each task.
Agile software development emphasizes flexibility and adaptability, which means that the project timeline can change over time as the team gains more knowledge and experience about the project requirements. This allows the team to adjust the project timeline as necessary to ensure that they are delivering software that meets the needs of the client. The software development is typically divided into short iterations or sprints, each lasting anywhere from one to four weeks. By breaking down the project into smaller, more manageable tasks and using short iterations or sprints, the team can work efficiently to deliver high-quality software within a reasonable timeframe.
Ensuring product quality in agile development involves continuous testing, user feedback, automation, and team collaboration. By following these practices and techniques, agile development teams can ensure that their software meets the needs and expectations of the client while delivering a high-quality product. We integrated testing into the development process from the start. This means that the software is continuously tested throughout the development cycle, ensuring that any defects or issues are identified and addressed early on. We also use continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) tools to automate the build, test, and deployment process. This helps ensure that the software is always in a releasable state. Our teams use code reviews to ensure that the code is well-written, maintainable, and meets established coding standards. This helps reduce the risk of defects and improves the overall quality of the software.

Awards & Certificates

reviewed on
30 reviews
  • Top 1000 Companies Global 2021
  • Top Development Company Poland 2021
HR dream team
  • 2020 HR Dream Team Award
  • 2016 Employer Branding Featured
  • 2015 HR Dream Team Award
ISO CertificateISO CertificateAWS Certificate
  • Information Security Management System compliant with PN-EN ISO/IEC 27001
  • Business Continuity Management compliant with ISO 22301
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate