How To Build A Financial Application: The Development ABC

How To Build A Financial Application: The Development ABC

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How To Build A Financial Application: The Development ABC

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Financial technology is in increasingly high demand nowadays. Global revenue from the fintech industry is forecasted to hit €188 billion by 2024, and entrepreneurs are desperate to get in on the action.

Mobile app development is a particularly fertile fintech niche to invest in. However, you need a clear and structured idea of the development process and what you want to achieve. Having your own app can significantly enhance profits and general consumer awareness, but it can easily go wrong.

Keep reading for a comprehensive overview of how to build a successful financial application. Once you understand the basics, our experienced Fintech software development team is on hand to convert your dreams into reality.


What is fintech?

Fintech is an industry term referring to the development of new technological solutions to advance financial services. A portmanteau of financial technology, fintech essentially deals with the application of advanced technology to the banking and finance sectors. This can range from personal finance applications for mobile banking to crypto investment platforms.

Fintech is quickly gaining importance across countless areas. For example, innovative mobile banking apps make it easier for individuals to track spending and budget effectively. On a more complex level, machine learning and artificial intelligence may be used to deliver more accurate investment predictions or streamline mass payment processing.

Fintech companies are generally startups aiming to leverage new technology to make it easier for businesses or individuals to utilize financial services. Mobile app development is a common way to do so. Applications usually revolve around:

  • Online Banking
  • Peer-to-Peer Payments
  • Crowdfunding
  • Investment
  • Mobile Payments
  • Finance Management
  • Crypto Wallets & Trading
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What is a fintech app?

Fintech apps are mobile applications that help businesses or individuals manage their finances and investments via numerous essential features.

PayPal is arguably the most popular fintech app, allowing individuals to easily make online purchases or send and receive money without using traditional online banking. Monzo is another example. The app-based digital banking provider enables easy access to day-to-day financial services without going through traditional banking institutions.

This new breed of fintech app is quickly gaining traction among consumers and investors due to advanced features, slick user interfaces, and lower transaction fees. Building a successful finance app will revolutionize your business model, providing more efficient financial solutions in a dynamic and modern mobile software package.

We’ll outline the benefits, features, and types of fintech app in the sections below:

Benefits of a fintech app


Fintech apps benefit consumers and businesses in various ways.

Deviating from the old-fashioned financial services model reaps handsome rewards no matter where you are on the B2C or B2B spectrum. Customers get an overwhelmingly better service, while businesses enjoy high profitability and more efficient working processes.

A few of the key benefits of a fintech app include:

  • Practicality: PayPal is a classic example of how important practicality is in the fintech sector. It revolutionized online payments with an extremely slick approach to banking, rapidly gaining a massive worldwide user base. Successful fintech apps offer more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces, ultimately making it far easier to manage personal finances. Consumers can access basic features at the press of a button, negating the clunky interfaces of outdated banking apps.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Fintech apps drive down costs for consumers and businesses by leveraging new artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. These platforms generally offer low or sometimes non-existent transaction fees for various services, from investing to digital payments. It leads to more money being saved overall and a happy client base.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Selleo knows the importance of customer satisfaction, which explains our passion for using new technology to aid consumer happiness. Fintech apps enable users to access financial services easier, quicker, and at less cost. As a result, businesses can make their customers happier and more loyal, achieving higher ROI and brand longevity.
  • Pace Setting: Fintech companies with talented mobile developers under their wing can set the pace via market-leading fintech apps and technology. If your business can offer cutting-edge and advanced features in an attractive app package, it is bound to be a success. Not only this but fintech businesses with world-leading mobile apps (think Monzo or PayPal) will naturally have an edge over competitors in the future.
  • Brand Reach: A successful state-of-the-art app will elevate your business with higher profits, but perhaps even more importantly, it will offer unrivalled brand reach. All the most renowned fintech apps have grown through slick branding and word-of-mouth awareness. Once your company has a fashionable mobile app, its name will be ever-present in the fintech world.
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Example features of fintech apps

Knowing the expected fintech app features is paramount to continuously setting software development trends within the industry. Making it easy for consumers to manage their finances is the primary goal. This is achieved via numerous features, including:

  • Quick and easy money transfers
  • Budget setting
  • Financial advice and help
  • Credit score tracking
  • Automatic transfers into savings
  • Spending trackers and alerts
  • Straightforward investment tools

Types of fintech app


There is a broad spectrum of fintech apps on the market currently. Knowing the different categories is essential to identifying your specific niche or gap in the market, so check out the options below:

Challenges of developing a fintech app & costs

Businesses must navigate various challenges to build a financial app successfully. Costs can be high, so acquiring enough capital via investors and stakeholders is crucial, especially for startups. Some of the most pressing challenges involved in developing a market-leading fintech app include:

  • Regulations: Complying with government regulations is the No. 1 challenge for mobile fintech providers. Your whole business could be under threat, so navigating the complex network of laws and regulations in each territory you offer services is essential.
  • Interface: Developing a slick and aesthetically pleasing user interface is another important challenge to overcome. The app needs to be dynamic and user-friendly with a straightforward approach to its core features. Detailed testing and feedback sessions will enhance this.
  • Unique Selling Point: Standing out in an increasingly saturated fintech industry is difficult, so your app must have a compelling USP marking it out from the competition. Dedicated market research, forward-thinking software design, and natural creativity are essential here.
  • Funding: While they can be extremely profitable long term, fintech startups generally need external investment to get their apps off the ground. Determining your expected ROI and working with efficient mobile developers is key to budgeting and acquiring funds.
  • Security: Fintech companies handle sensitive personal data, so mobile apps must have watertight security protocols. This includes customer legal agreements, data privacy policies, insurance programs, and an unhackable backend.

How to develop a fintech app

Developing a fintech app involves several important stages. You will need a clear idea backed by extensive market research alongside market-leading mobile developers like our own at Selleo. We’ll walk you through the process below:

#1: Map Out An Idea


Having a golden idea for a fintech app is key to being successful. Engage in targeted market research and extensive conceptualization sessions. Think creatively and factor in scalability, global reach, and user-trends into your decision-making. Most importantly, create a USP setting you apart from the crowd.

#2: Decide On Functionality

What will your fintech app do? And how will it help consumers as much as possible? Making decisions on functionality is key to generating an early idea of how your app will work. It will also influence marketing decisions further down the line and general brand identity.

#3: Choose The Right Tools & Platform

Choosing the right tools and platform is essential whether you work with an outsourced partner or an in-house development team. Decide between iOS and Android (or opt for both), and choose the most tailored tech stack for your project based on its scope, app architecture, programming languages, and thread detection technologies.

#4: Sketch Out An Interface

Your fintech app’s front end is profoundly important, so make sure you take time sketching out ideas. This is the most creative part of the process, and you can have fun designing an innovative and eye-catching layout. Just don’t lose sight of the common objectives like easy access to basic features and uncluttered composition.

#5: Create A Mock-Up

Once you have decided on an interface and sketched out the basics, you’ll need to create a realistic mock-up of each screen of your financial app. This will determine whether your ideas translate into reality and help you visualize navigating through the app as a user.

#6: Develop Your Fintech App

Now the foundations are set, you can start the app development process. Decide between an in-house development team (if available) or outsourcing to an experienced software development company with proven experience like Selleo.

#7: Test Rigorously

Testing is the best and most efficient way to finetune your fintech app before mass release. This is where you can iron out any creases and focus on making the user intuitive as friendly and rewarding as possible. Build an MVP version of your app for early release to a select group of users. Not only does this give you valuable user data, but it also generates a core usership before the full launch.


#8: Update Your App Based On Feedback

Updating your mobile app consistently is crucial throughout the testing and launch periods. Listen to consumer feedback and implement changes accordingly. The job doesn’t simply end after launch. You’ll need to actively keep your app right at the cutting-edge to ensure long-term success.


Building a successful fintech mobile application is complex and challenging, but the rewards can be substantial. Fintech is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide, and a revolutionary app is the best way to enter the market. These applications offer unrivalled practicality, advanced features, and cost-effectiveness for businesses and consumers.

Selleo is a trusted global partner in mobile software development, with a dedicated fintech development team leveraging new technology to advance fintech-specific software solutions. We can help you build a successful financial application from planning to implementation.

Get in contact for more information, and let’s get building!

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