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Will HR be Replaced by AI - What About HR workers?
Imagine this: you walk into the office on a typical Monday morning, coffee in hand, ready to tackle the week ahead. Instead of the usual friendly face of your HR manager, you’re greeted by an AI avatar on a screen, asking, "Good morning, how can I assist you today?"
Dec 24, 2024
What Are the Key Strategies for Attracting and Retaining top Tech Talent in a Rapidly Growing Scaleup?
Retaining your top tech talent in a rapidly growing scaleup is crucial to success in delivering all functionalities on time. Workers' satisfaction also plays a crucial role in this area. Do you know what impact it has on employees?
May 13, 2024
software development
10 Tips On How To Effectively Describe And Manage Tasks For Your Dev Team
This post will help you to discover how to effectively describe and manage tasks for your dev team to lead your project to success.
Jun 10, 2022
software development
10 Tips On How To Effectively Manage Tasks For Your Dev Team
well-described task is at least half of the story behind its successful implementation. Some other success factors are hidden in what happens to the task further down the road and especially in how the necessary feedback is provided and processed in the task implementation.
Apr 12, 2017