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How To Build Property Management Software From Scratch


How To Build Property Management Software From Scratch

Global real estate management software industry size was valued at USD 8.98 Billion in 2017. Do you want to build property management software? This article will answer the most common questions regarding the topic and help you build an excellent product.

How To Build High-Performance Agile Teams


How To Build High-Performance Agile Teams

Imagine passionates who are highly motivated and engaged as a team, who contribute directly towards achieving your business goals by delivering exceptional digital products. What makes them do so? What are the secrets of great teams?

How To Build A Website Like Airbnb?


How To Build A Website Like Airbnb?

Do you think Airbnb's success did happen overnight? No, it didn’t. But, it has become an inspiration for many startups to enter the same industry with the same business model. Do you want to replicate the success of Airbnb?

Essential RubyOnRails Patterns — Part 3: Clients And Wrappers

ruby on rails

Essential RubyOnRails Patterns — Part 3: Clients And Wrappers

Clients and Wrappers (also referred to as “Facades”) are remarkably useful tools for working with external services, libraries or APIs. While both Clients and Wrappers are primarily used to facilitate usage of before-mentioned libraries or APIs, there are some significant differences in responsibilities each of these patterns have. In some cases a Wrapper can take over a Client’s responsibilities too

Why MVP Development Should Be Outsourced

software development

Why MVP Development Should Be Outsourced

So you have an idea for an amazing product. You know your target client and are prepared to start the development. Then you realize, you do not have a technical partner - someone who will build your MVP. You can do it yourself, but what if you have no clue about coding?

Why Do We Need QA Engineers?


Why Do We Need QA Engineers?

Wondering if you need a QA engineer in your software project? The answer is: yes. There are countless benefits of having a QA Engineer in your team, but we will talk about a few key advantages.

Why choose Multi-Tenant Architecture for a SaaS application?


Why choose Multi-Tenant Architecture for a SaaS application?

Cloud services and applications are a key trend in software development. In this article, I'm giving reasons why multi-tenant SaaS architecture offers more long-term benefits both in terms of development and investment than a single-tenant one.

Why Choose Elixir For Your Next Software Development Project?


Why Choose Elixir For Your Next Software Development Project?

This article aims to introduce Elixir as a new alternative for well-known programming languages.

When Not To Choose Ruby On Rails For Your Web Project

software development

When Not To Choose Ruby On Rails For Your Web Project

It is not unusual for a new technology to originate from a successfully developed project. For example, we can find the pattern in the story of a web framework for Python – Django, which was originally developed to manage a number of news-oriented sites for the LJworld company.

What Is Staff Augmentation? A Model To Extend Your Team

software development

What Is Staff Augmentation? A Model To Extend Your Team

What Is Staff Augmentation? How staff augmentation can improve your business? See More! ✔️

Top 10 Companies Using Elixir


Top 10 Companies Using Elixir

The demand for Elixir developers has been growing. In this article, we’ll present the top companies that decided to use Elixir to handle their large-scale apps.

Testing The User Perspective With Ruby On Rails With Kameleon

ruby on rails

Testing The User Perspective With Ruby On Rails With Kameleon

Thanks to a good combination of RSpec and Kameleon, we have managed to write an expressive end-to-end test as well as six supportive tests in no time at all.

Terraform Vs Ansible - Friends Or Foes? Which Should I Choose?


Terraform Vs Ansible - Friends Or Foes? Which Should I Choose?

Terraform vs Ansible, Ansible vs Terraform - Google search is full of those queries, but are they true? Is there a war between those solutions and you can use only either-or? Or are they, in fact, a great combination and can or even should be used together?

Testing GraphQL Mutations In Ruby On Rails With RSpec

ruby on rails

Testing GraphQL Mutations In Ruby On Rails With RSpec

In the last article we added a few GraphQL mutations to our test application. It is time to create automated tests for each of them. But first things first, we need to set up `RSpec` in order to write better specs.

React Native vs PWA - which should I choose?


React Native vs PWA - which should I choose?

In this day and age, users spend twice the time spent using desktops on mobile devices, so it is not surprising that they expect two things: high performance and storage saving.

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  • Top 1000 Companies Global 2021
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  • 2015 HR Dream Team Award
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