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When To Use Jest Snapshots

software development

When To Use Jest Snapshots

Snapshots are great tool when used for the correct job. However, they are frequently misused. In this article, I will show you the best use-cases of Snapshots.

Microfrontends To The Rescue Of Big Single Page Application Monoliths

software development

Microfrontends To The Rescue Of Big Single Page Application Monoliths

Proper frontend development is highly challenging, but scaling frontend development such that several teams can work simultaneously on large and complex products is much harder.

How Choosing CSS Over JS Can Improve User Experience

ux ui

How Choosing CSS Over JS Can Improve User Experience

As front-end developers, when we’re adding a feature it’s a common solution to just use JavaScript. I mean, why not? But what can we do with CSS instead of JS?

Alternatives To Outsourcing: What Is An Extended Team Model?

software development

Alternatives To Outsourcing: What Is An Extended Team Model?

SMEs and startups often face difficulties with adding resources to an existing team, especially with specific skillsets. In traditional outsourcing, there is little reliance on the in-house team. Here’s when the extended team model comes to the rescue.

Simple Toast In React Native Using Context API And Hooks


Simple Toast In React Native Using Context API And Hooks

The community of React Native offers a huge amount of ready to use libraries that can handle showing small messages called Toast. However, implementing it on our own is not a big effort. Additionally, we get full control of their behavior and look. Using Context API and hooks we can implement such a solution in no time.

10 Questions You Should Ask A Software Outsourcing Company

software development

10 Questions You Should Ask A Software Outsourcing Company

So you have decided to outsource your software development and you managed to find companies you are considering to be a good fit for it. Now, you are probably wondering how to pick the best one of them and how to avoid misunderstandings and disappointment.

What Is A Mobile-First Design?

ux ui

What Is A Mobile-First Design?

The development of a mobile phone that evolved into a smartphone changed the way we communicate, shop, browse the web, take pictures etc. It has revolutionized our world and changed it forever. Companies recognize the importance of being mobile-friendly.

6 Steps Of UX/UI Design Process

ux ui

6 Steps Of UX/UI Design Process

Follow our 6 steps of UX/UI design process guide to plan work in a systematic manner and achieve targets. Let your product stand out and make it more appealing.

Why Choose Terraform Over Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack And CloudFormation?


Why Choose Terraform Over Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack And CloudFormation?

In this article, you will learn why Terraform is a better choice than popular IaC tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible, SaltStack and CloudFormation.

What Makes A Senior Developer?

software development

What Makes A Senior Developer?

Coming up with a definition who a senior developer is may be impossible due to the fact that for every person this will mean different things. However, there are some key qualities and capabilities that make senior developer a senior developer.

When Does margin: 0 auto Center?

ux ui

When Does margin: 0 auto Center?

Centering elements on a web page can be tricky, but margin: 0 auto is often cited as a foolproof way. Discover when margin: 0 auto may help you center.

How To Upgrade To Rails 6

ruby on rails

How To Upgrade To Rails 6

This guide will show you how to upgrade to Rails 6. We'll cover the upgrade process in general and provide helpful tips to make your upgrade as smooth as possible.

Why One-On-One Sessions Can Help You Build A Great Team?

software development

Why One-On-One Sessions Can Help You Build A Great Team?

One-On-One Session (or O3 in short) is a really powerful tool used by many managers all over the world. It is a well-structured meeting in which a manager/team leader spends some time (usually 30 minutes) with each of his/her team member to discuss progress, strengths, weaknesses, goals and other employee-related matters.

Kubernetes 101

software development

Kubernetes 101

Created by Google this open-sourced system helps manage containerized applications within cluster environments. It gives developers a better way to deal with related and distributed components as well as services in infrastructure.

Pessimistic Locking In Rails

ruby on rails

Pessimistic Locking In Rails

The Ruby on Rails framework is powerful in many ways. One of its strong points is that Ruby on Rails is being shipped with ActiveRecord - an Object Relational Mapping system. ActiveRecord comes up with its own DSL, which lets you write Ruby code, which in turn is translated to SQL, allowing you to use database native features, including “locking”.

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