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Infrastructure As A Code

software development

Infrastructure As A Code

Managing servers and infrastructures manually is not a very complicated task, but when you start working with multiple servers, manual configuration is getting more complex and almost unachievable. This is where the notion of Infrastructure as a Code comes in.

Your Guide To Subscription Management Solutions

software development

Your Guide To Subscription Management Solutions

There are many subscription management solutions that SaaS companies can choose from. Among the most popular we can distinguish: Stripe, BrainTree, Recurly, Chargebee and PayPal Subscriptions.

Ultimate Guide How to Optimize Registration Form for Higher Conversion

ux ui

Ultimate Guide How to Optimize Registration Form for Higher Conversion

Boost your registration form conversions. Make sign up form easy, impressive, and sleek. Discover optimizing process and apply best UX/UI design practices.

A Subjective Guide To Naming Stuff In Ruby on Rails: Classes

ruby on rails

A Subjective Guide To Naming Stuff In Ruby on Rails: Classes

Naming things in programming may not be hard (a matter of imagination), but it is definitely hard to do it right. Also, it turns out to be very unclear what “right” means in each and every context. It doesn’t change the fact that in 8 out of 10 PRs I review, I provide a feedback related to naming, be it naming of classes, methods, fields, variables… you name it

The Pros And Cons Of Using MongoDB

software development

The Pros And Cons Of Using MongoDB

When embarking on a new backend project, our first move as developers is often to use some well-established relational database like PostgreSQL or MySQL. However, for some time there have been different database types available on the market. One of them is MongoDB.

Github On Steroids

software development

Github On Steroids

In this article, I would like to share my tips on how to improve your Github repository so basically, how to give it some ‘steroids’. I will cover aspects like using templates, coverage report in Github projects and packages, how to improve the CI build speed and finally, how to better document your code.

Writing A Regular Expression Tester In Crystal As A Learning Exercise

software development

Writing A Regular Expression Tester In Crystal As A Learning Exercise

As a part-time Rubyist, I couldn’t ignore Crystal any longer (+ I enjoy learning new programming languages) so I decided to give it a try. Because I wanted to write something useful and contribute to the community, I was looking for a small idea in the Ruby world and spoiler alert… I found it.

Essential RubyOnRails Patterns — Part 4: Form Objects

ruby on rails

Essential RubyOnRails Patterns — Part 4: Form Objects

Form Object is a very useful pattern in rails ecosystem as it can address variety of issues and antipatterns. In this article we will attempt to sort out in which situations Form Objects can prove useful and what conventions allow us to make most out of them.

Essential RubyOnRails Patterns — Part 2: Query Objects

ruby on rails

Essential RubyOnRails Patterns — Part 2: Query Objects

Query Objects (also referred to as queries) is another pattern that helps in decomposing your fat ActiveRecord models and keeping your code both slim and readable. While this article is written with Ruby On Rails in mind, it easily applies to other frameworks, especially MVC based and applying ActiveRecord pattern.

10 Tips On How To Effectively Manage Tasks For Your Dev Team

software development

10 Tips On How To Effectively Manage Tasks For Your Dev Team

well-described task is at least half of the story behind its successful implementation. Some other success factors are hidden in what happens to the task further down the road and especially in how the necessary feedback is provided and processed in the task implementation.

Implementing Change In Agile Organizations

software development

Implementing Change In Agile Organizations

To attain this goals one can implement a very simple and powerful solution which is based on the theory called the Diffusion of Innovations which can be used to explain how, why, and at what rate new concepts spread through organizations.

What To Do When There Is No API

software development

What To Do When There Is No API

Fetching results for gaming platform when there is no API available.

Single-Page Applications: Ember vs Angular

software development

Single-Page Applications: Ember vs Angular

It sometimes happens that a project does not get launched on time, it exceeds the initially planned costs, or lacks some of the required functionalities. Why is that?

Health Insurance Software Development - How To Create?

software development

Health Insurance Software Development - How To Create?

I will talk about why and how to build a health insurance application, must-have features and the development process.

Programmers Guide To Weight Loss


Programmers Guide To Weight Loss

I often wonder, what kind of IT-related articles are the most enjoyable to read, for visitors to Selleo’s blog. Are they our articles about business solutions in IT or, maybe articles on software and outsourcing?

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