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Why Selleo

For MVPs and Market Leaders: Selleo prioritizes business value, not just code.

EdTech and HRTech experts in digital dashboards and customized AI solutions. Selleo has been delivering impactful applications that drive client success since 2005. Our compliance-focused web and mobile applications keep you ahead of regulatory shifts.
Talented people
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long term clients
Founded in Poland

How we can work together

### Dedicated team to **develop your product**

Dedicated team to develop your product

Choose a cross-functional team. It has the capacity and skills to cover the whole spectrum of the design, development, and quality assurance for a given project.
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### Dedicated people to **augment your team**

Dedicated people to augment your team

Choose specific specialized developers. We may work on selected parts of your project or integrate into your internal team to extend expertise or speed up work.
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Unique Custom software

How we helped clients drive business impact and deliver ROI

Learning Management
Online Education
Collaboration & Performance
HR Management
Compliance & Finance
AI/ML & Reporting
Custom Software

Flexible and personalized dashboard for self-driven learning

The goal of our collaboration was to create a better platform for learning. We supported the client with full stack and QA services delivering functionalities like progress tracking, slide page, activity feed, personal workspace, notifications, search, and smart triggers. View project
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From classroom to boardroom

Key Technology Partner for HRTech & EdTech Development

Whether you have an existing software or looking for something new, our product teams can build your cloud-based solution to outperform competitors and drive business value.

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Get funding

Global and European Venture Capitals invest in Startups we help to develop

The success of any project depends not only on tools and technologies used to develop it but also on the unique value proposition delivered and ability to convey a meaningful message to the audience. We support our clients both with quality software development and business activities to grow their companies.

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Work standards and achievements

Combining coding talents with managerial experience, we build dev teams focused on quality and serene deployment.

we are worldwideWe are based in Central Europe and work with clients and partners worldwide

Project requirements: In agile software development, the project requirements are typically captured in the form of user stories and acceptance criteria. These describe the desired functionality of the software from the perspective of the end user. Having a clear understanding of your user stories and acceptance criteria can help us to estimate the amount of work required to develop the software.

Project scope: It's important to have a clear understanding of the scope of the project, including the number of features or modules that need to be developed, and any dependencies or constraints that may impact development.

Prioritization: Agile software development emphasizes prioritization of user stories based on customer needs and feedback. As the client, you would play an important role in prioritizing work based on business value and urgency. This can help us to focus the development team's efforts on the most important features and ensure that we're delivering value to the customer with each iteration.

In agile software development, the cost of the development process is not typically estimated upfront as a fixed budget. Instead, agile projects are often structured around a flexible budget that can adapt to changing requirements and priorities as the project progresses. To provide a rough estimate of the cost, it's necessary to first understand the scope of the project and the requirements of the client. This can be done through discussions and collaboration with the client to establish a clear understanding of their needs, as well as to identify any potential risks and challenges that may impact the development process. Once the scope of the project has been established, the cost of the development process can be estimated based on the level of effort required to develop the software. This involves breaking down the project into smaller, more manageable tasks and estimating the amount of time and resources required to complete each task.
Agile software development emphasizes flexibility and adaptability, which means that the project timeline can change over time as the team gains more knowledge and experience about the project requirements. This allows the team to adjust the project timeline as necessary to ensure that they are delivering software that meets the needs of the client. The software development is typically divided into short iterations or sprints, each lasting anywhere from one to four weeks. By breaking down the project into smaller, more manageable tasks and using short iterations or sprints, the team can work efficiently to deliver high-quality software within a reasonable timeframe.
Ensuring product quality in agile development involves continuous testing, user feedback, automation, and team collaboration. By following these practices and techniques, agile development teams can ensure that their software meets the needs and expectations of the client while delivering a high-quality product. We integrated testing into the development process from the start. This means that the software is continuously tested throughout the development cycle, ensuring that any defects or issues are identified and addressed early on. We also use continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) tools to automate the build, test, and deployment process. This helps ensure that the software is always in a releasable state. Our teams use code reviews to ensure that the code is well-written, maintainable, and meets established coding standards. This helps reduce the risk of defects and improves the overall quality of the software.
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Awards & Certificates

reviewed on
30 reviews
  • Top 1000 Companies Global 2021
  • Top Development Company Poland 2021
HR dream team
  • 2020 HR Dream Team Award
  • 2016 Employer Branding Featured
  • 2015 HR Dream Team Award
ISO CertificateISO CertificateAWS Certificate
  • Information Security Management System compliant with PN-EN ISO/IEC 27001
  • Business Continuity Management compliant with ISO 22301
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate